Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tips and Tools - December 9th, 2008

Web Tools 4U2Use
Repeat posting, in case you missed it!! The WebTools wiki is intended to support school library staff but is a great place for teachers, techs and administrators to keep abreast of new technologies that have value in schools. Conveniently, handouts are available at the bottom of the WebTools wiki if you wish to inform colleagues.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5A_4-OJocA [Video]
Create your own mnemonic devices. Source: Jane Knight 03 December 2008

Adobe Photoshop Express
Adobe Photoshop Express [beta] is an online version of the popular digital image-editing software. Obtain a free account to upload, alter, save and share up to 2GB of digital images for free.

Tell your story with Capzles, an interactive multimedia presentation tool that utilizes a timeline format to contain images, video, audio and text. Visit iLearn to find practical tips for using Cazples with students. Take the guided tour.

All Top
AllTop is a handy “online magazine rack” of popular topics. Alltop is a set of RSS feeds organized by subject making it easy to skim for items of interest. Guy Kawasaki was involved in the development and appears to be promoting it heavily on http://twitter.com/guykawasaki

Great Summary
Takes the text or url of a web page and provides a summary. Autosummarizer, another somewhat similar tool, works with text only http://search.iiit.net/~jags/summarizer/index.cgi
Source: http://www.technospot.net/blogs/read-summary-of-online-document-or-web-page-without-opening-it/

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